Saturday, February 9, 2013

Two Projects Finished

I finally finished the child's quilt!  Someone will be getting a package in the mail in a week or two and hopefully they like it!  I think I might do the binding differently next time.  I like it but I went a little wider on the stripes. 

I am not sure I like it.  Also, for a bed quilt, I might try having the folded edge on the back.  The problem is that I have a hard time matching threads!

The other project is for the couch.  I've actually had these done for a few months.  I didn't realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of them. 

I sewed two new couch pillows.  I think that I made the pillow forms somewhere around 14-16 inches.  They are much more comfortable. 

I had major zipper drama!  I went with a nine inch zipper and there was not way I was getting the pillow forms inside!  I had to undo and go buy two new zippers.  I found that sewing them the entire length of one side was perfect.  I used invisible zippers, but I don't think I would next time.  I prefer the fabric flap that I usually make to cover up the zippers.

I have been pretty good about swimming at least 2-3 times a week.  I notice that it is getting harder for me.  I tried to do a harder 100 free on 1:20 and I just cannot go fast anymore.  It was not very good for me.  I can still make that time, I just cannot try to race anyone for a while!