We have been lifting weights in the garage for a couple of nights this week. I am so sore! We also had an amazing, wonderful, outstanding, magical night at the pool yesterday. After dinner we decided to all go to the Holladay Lions Rec Center. I love their play pool! It is not so good for working out because it is pretty warm for that. But the temperature is perfect for playing and relaxing. It was so much fun. They baby had a blast the entire time. It made my day to see her so happy. We all really enjoyed ourselves and I would love to do it again!
I like working out with the Fairmont masters, but I never get in enough yardage. I need to buckle down and swim every weekday. Then I will just be in the routine and expect to do it. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I would get my workout in and the other days I could swim with other people. So my goal for this week is to swim both Thursday and Friday mornings. That will be tough to get up so early.
Here is this morning's workout:
500 warm up (300 free/200 breast)
8x50 @ 1:00 closed fist
4x50 rest :15 focus on rotation
4x50 rest :15 focus on early catch
4x50 rest :15 focus on strong legs (six beat kick)
8x100 rest :20-:30 descend 1-4 (1:21, 1:18, 1:14, 1:10; 1:25, 1:17, 1:14, 1:08)
700 Cool Down
3,000 yards total
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