Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Favorite Shampoo & Conditioner

I have tried making my own shampoo and it was fun.  But I don't think it is quite my thing.  I might try it again someday.  But I have always loved Suave brand.  I usually get the Daily Clarifying shampoo, and recently, I found it in the conditioner too.

I have to say I love it!  I think I used it a looong time ago but haven't found it in any stores for awhile.  So I would just get the fragrance that I liked, which always change.  I am not a big fan of fragrance for anything. I would rather they made them "free and clear" for everything.  But I guess most consumers like the different scents.  I wish Suave would make their lotions and deodorants and other skin care products without fragrance too, I would love that!

I was surprised to find that the Daily Clarifying conditioner was actually different on my hair than any of the ones with fragrance.  I don't really like to wash my hair everyday.  The natural oils seem to really help it grow and stay healthy.  With my crazy life as a mom, I don't always get to take a shower when I want to, and when the new one comes I am sure it will get even worse.  So being able to have non-greasy hair for a few days is really awesome!  I typically go 2-3 days between hair washing and on bad weeks it can be 4.  This conditioner was a great find!

The other great thing about it is that it doesn't cost a fortune.  I do remember the days when I could find Suave on sale for 69 cents a bottle, but that was at least 10 years ago.  I miss those days.  Typically I can find the big family sized bottles for about $1.79 or something like that.  Compare the price to any other shampoo/conditioner (except maybe cheapo White Rain, which I don't really like) and you still have an incredible deal.

I know that I haven't written anything for a long time, and a post about shampoo and conditioner is pretty odd for me.  But I have been thinking about it for a few weeks and finally took the time to type it up.  Maybe this will be a start to get me back into writing a bit.

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