I actually got myself up to swim in the first half of the week! Unfortunately the coach didn't show up. So Shawn and I wrote the workout. He did the first half, and I did the main set.
Warm Up:
100 swim
100 kick
100 drill
100 swim
8x75 @1:20/1:30 free/stroke/free by 25
Main Set 4 or 5 times through:
round 1 @:55
round 2 @:50
round 3 @:45
round 4 @:40
round 5 @:35
To set your times, think of what you can barely make for your last round (I really only made 2 1/2 of mine), then count back to find your first round time. The first few rounds should be easy.
Cool Down of your choice (I usually recommend at least 200 yards--the goal here is to make sure you are lowering your heart rate and breathing. Make sure you are not breathing hard by the end)
2,300 yards plus cool down
We are working on setting up the Masters Championship Meet in April. We will be hosting it at the new Olympus High pool. Very exciting!
PS Apparently I will be swimming tomorrow morning too, because I left my wallet there!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
1 and 1/2 Workouts
I was swimming this morning and trying to remember what workout I set up yesterday. I couldn't remember any of it! I finally remembered that I focused on Backstroke. Then I remembered the main set, and the drills I had them do. But that was all I can remember. So today, I will post 1 1/2 workouts (1/2 of Friday's & all of today's). I got pretty chatty this morning, so I didn't swim all of it. But I did get over my 2,500 yard goal.
Friday's 1/2 Workout:
300 Warm Up
7x50 Drill--hand slap down--2 right 2 left back
(on the hand slap, make sure to keep your arm in streamline position while you do the recovery, recover your other arm until it points to the ceiling, bring it back to slap the water, finish the stroke normally--it is very important that while your one hand is recovering twice, that you keep the other hand above you. This will help you get the right timing and reach for your backstroke)
*6x25 descend 1-3 (this is getting ready for the main set, so really sprint the 3rd and 6th ones) @:30
Main Set (do it 3 times):
(on the odd rounds, do the sprints half back/half free--on the even one, it is your choice)
2x25 sprint
50 easy
2x50 sprint
100 easy
*I just remembered this one. I think I am just missing one set and it might be 75's?)
Saturday's Whole Workout (I was lazy and late-I am sure you can do better than I did)
5x100 (warm up)
8x50 kick @:55 (I used fins and probably could have done them on :50)
4x150 Build by 50 @2:30 (it was too slow and next time I will do them on 2:10 or 2:!5)
Main Set:
500 Long & Strong (pull)
300 Negative Split (pull)--this one is fast and make sure to make the second half faster than the first!
400 Long & Strong
200 Negative Split--see the 300 for details (I was too busy chatting away to get this one in)
6x75 25 fast kick/50 swim
50 fast kick/25 swim
Total yards: 3,350 (I only did 2,650)
Friday's 1/2 Workout:
300 Warm Up
7x50 Drill--hand slap down--2 right 2 left back
(on the hand slap, make sure to keep your arm in streamline position while you do the recovery, recover your other arm until it points to the ceiling, bring it back to slap the water, finish the stroke normally--it is very important that while your one hand is recovering twice, that you keep the other hand above you. This will help you get the right timing and reach for your backstroke)
*6x25 descend 1-3 (this is getting ready for the main set, so really sprint the 3rd and 6th ones) @:30
Main Set (do it 3 times):
(on the odd rounds, do the sprints half back/half free--on the even one, it is your choice)
2x25 sprint
50 easy
2x50 sprint
100 easy
*I just remembered this one. I think I am just missing one set and it might be 75's?)
Saturday's Whole Workout (I was lazy and late-I am sure you can do better than I did)
5x100 (warm up)
8x50 kick @:55 (I used fins and probably could have done them on :50)
4x150 Build by 50 @2:30 (it was too slow and next time I will do them on 2:10 or 2:!5)
Main Set:
500 Long & Strong (pull)
300 Negative Split (pull)--this one is fast and make sure to make the second half faster than the first!
400 Long & Strong
200 Negative Split--see the 300 for details (I was too busy chatting away to get this one in)
6x75 25 fast kick/50 swim
50 fast kick/25 swim
Total yards: 3,350 (I only did 2,650)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Finally Swam this Week
I finally got by butt out of bed to swim this morning. I have been trying since Monday. My bed is just far too comfortable! Here is the workout that Shawn gave at Olympus Masters this morning. I haven't done so much IM for ages. My forearms definitely got a workout, they could barely handle the pull that came after.
100 warm up (I got in late the actual warm up was 4x100-swim/kick/drill/swim by 100)
24x25 2 free/2 stroke @:25 (other lanes did fewer in groups of 4 on slower times)
(I squeezed a 50 easy in here)
Main set (all IM)
4x50 (Fly/Back, Back/Breast, Breast/Free, Free/Fly)
4x75 (without Free)
600 Pull
Cool Down (I did 250 to make up for the warm up that I missed)
Total yards: 2,800
Great workout! Thanks, Shawn.
100 warm up (I got in late the actual warm up was 4x100-swim/kick/drill/swim by 100)
24x25 2 free/2 stroke @:25 (other lanes did fewer in groups of 4 on slower times)
(I squeezed a 50 easy in here)
Main set (all IM)
4x50 (Fly/Back, Back/Breast, Breast/Free, Free/Fly)
4x75 (without Free)
600 Pull
Cool Down (I did 250 to make up for the warm up that I missed)
Total yards: 2,800
Great workout! Thanks, Shawn.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Random find
Matt ordered something from backcountry.com. Inside the package was a
freebee. It just happened to be the best toothpaste every. It was
fated to be...it is called Tom's of Maine. It is a natural toothpaste
and quite good. I like all their earth and human friendly policies and
practices. I thought that a "natural" product would not work as well as
the Aquafresh that I usually use. But it actually works much better!
And it tastes great and natural, not chemically at all. They only use
peppermint oil to flavor it. My mouth feels so clean. I love it! I
think it might be available at Fresh Market and it is certainly
available at Target. It is a little more expensive than the other
stuff, but I had a coupon (and one more in reserve) which saved me a
dollar. Here is the website to their company: http://www.tomsofmainestore.com//webstore/store/tomsofmainestore/home.do
Just make sure you get the kind you want. I first bought the fluoride-free kind and had to go back. I might save it for when the little one finally gets teeth. I couldn't find the Simply White in the store, but they have a Whole Clean that I like just as much.
Just make sure you get the kind you want. I first bought the fluoride-free kind and had to go back. I might save it for when the little one finally gets teeth. I couldn't find the Simply White in the store, but they have a Whole Clean that I like just as much.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Saturday Swimming + Breakfast
We did our first breakfast/social event for Olympus Aquatics. It was fun although we only had three swimmers come. But we did have 4 kids! Unfortunately, 2 of the attendees were coaches. It was fun anyway. Jamie came up with a great sprint workout for this morning. It included a meet warm up. I haven't thought about those for years. I had better take this one down and use it in the upcoming meet.
3x200 swim, kick, pull
8x50 drill alternating: @:50
barrel drill--imagine wrapping your arm around a barrel as you pull
flip drill--finish each stroke with a strong flip at the end
closed fist--self explanitory
8x50 @:45 either build or pace (I did pace and held :37 except the first one was :36)
12x25 warming up for sprints @ :25
(2 @80%, 2@ 85%, 2@90%, 4 @95%, 2@ 80%)
8x100 @2:30 50 ALL OUT SPRINT/50 easy recovery
(I did every 4th one backstroke and did 2 :32's, the freestyles were :30 except the first one was :29 and I think I had a :31 or two in there)
Cool Down
I will post the link to the meet again just in case you decide you want to come swim with me!
3x200 swim, kick, pull
8x50 drill alternating: @:50
barrel drill--imagine wrapping your arm around a barrel as you pull
flip drill--finish each stroke with a strong flip at the end
closed fist--self explanitory
8x50 @:45 either build or pace (I did pace and held :37 except the first one was :36)
12x25 warming up for sprints @ :25
(2 @80%, 2@ 85%, 2@90%, 4 @95%, 2@ 80%)
8x100 @2:30 50 ALL OUT SPRINT/50 easy recovery
(I did every 4th one backstroke and did 2 :32's, the freestyles were :30 except the first one was :29 and I think I had a :31 or two in there)
Cool Down
I will post the link to the meet again just in case you decide you want to come swim with me!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Friday Workout
Today was a little longer with more kick than I usually have my swimmers do.
300 choice warm up
10x50 drill down/swim back (focus on what you want to think about on your stroke then find a drill to match that)
400 fast swim
300 kick
200 fast swim
100 kick
6x75 working on streamlined turns and fast finishes (or 8 of them)
2,250 yards (2,400 yards)
This was not a lot of yards but about average.
300 choice warm up
10x50 drill down/swim back (focus on what you want to think about on your stroke then find a drill to match that)
400 fast swim
300 kick
200 fast swim
100 kick
6x75 working on streamlined turns and fast finishes (or 8 of them)
2,250 yards (2,400 yards)
This was not a lot of yards but about average.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Hard Freestyle Set
I swam this morning. I have not been as consistent as I planned; however, I hope to do better. Last week was the only one so far that I didn't make my goal. (Although, I did get the minimum of 3,000 yards--kind of weaksauce). I just have one more workout this week.
This workout was one I swam this morning, not one I created.
400 Warm up (I was late, so I did this at the end)
4x50 8 kick drill
4x50 finish drill (only do the last part of your stroke and do half on one side, half on the other)
4x50 one arm (use your core and hips to add force to your finish of your stroke)
4x50 straight arm drill with over-kick (focus on rotating from side to side so your body and arms are in the same plane)
10x____ @ 2:00 Fill in with what you are able to do on the interval--I did 150's, others did 125's and 100's (or even 75's) I consistently held 1:53 which is about 1:15 per 100 and about 5 seconds slower than my goal pace time.
That is 2,700 yards
The main set was extremely hard and wonderful!
Just so you know, the Olympus Aquatics Masters are hosting a swim meet on Feb. 1. Here is a link to it. I hope to see you there (I will be one of the crazy ones getting up early enough to swim the 1,650).
This workout was one I swam this morning, not one I created.
400 Warm up (I was late, so I did this at the end)
4x50 8 kick drill
4x50 finish drill (only do the last part of your stroke and do half on one side, half on the other)
4x50 one arm (use your core and hips to add force to your finish of your stroke)
4x50 straight arm drill with over-kick (focus on rotating from side to side so your body and arms are in the same plane)
10x____ @ 2:00 Fill in with what you are able to do on the interval--I did 150's, others did 125's and 100's (or even 75's) I consistently held 1:53 which is about 1:15 per 100 and about 5 seconds slower than my goal pace time.
That is 2,700 yards
The main set was extremely hard and wonderful!
Just so you know, the Olympus Aquatics Masters are hosting a swim meet on Feb. 1. Here is a link to it. I hope to see you there (I will be one of the crazy ones getting up early enough to swim the 1,650).
Friday, January 3, 2014
Friday--IM Day!
I love IM! So often on my coaching days I choose a workout that has IM. Today was all about IM.
Fly & Breast: glide in the front of each stroke
Back & Free: rotate to both sides equally
400 Warm Up
16x25's IM
4 Fly--2 right, 2 left, 2 regular
4 Back--shoulder pop (pop your shoulder out when your hand is pointing to the ceiling)
4 Breast--fast hands (recover as quickly as possible)
4 Free--straight arm drill (make sure to rotate fully)
2x200 IM Kick with :15 to :20 seconds rest
9x100 (Main Set)
2 fast IM
1 recovery Free
8x50 double turn (from the middle)
practice all your IM and Stroke turns
200 Cool Down
2,700 yards
Look for our meet info that will be coming out soon. I am helping to set up a swim meet at Granite High on Feb. 1. We should have info out soon, look on www.olypmusaquatics.com for the meet information.
Fly & Breast: glide in the front of each stroke
Back & Free: rotate to both sides equally
400 Warm Up
16x25's IM
4 Fly--2 right, 2 left, 2 regular
4 Back--shoulder pop (pop your shoulder out when your hand is pointing to the ceiling)
4 Breast--fast hands (recover as quickly as possible)
4 Free--straight arm drill (make sure to rotate fully)
2x200 IM Kick with :15 to :20 seconds rest
9x100 (Main Set)
2 fast IM
1 recovery Free
8x50 double turn (from the middle)
practice all your IM and Stroke turns
200 Cool Down
2,700 yards
Look for our meet info that will be coming out soon. I am helping to set up a swim meet at Granite High on Feb. 1. We should have info out soon, look on www.olypmusaquatics.com for the meet information.
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